"Every phone system everywhere should give you the option to just talk to someone. And I totally understand what you're trying to do. And that you're trying to move phone traffic and not have a lot of representatives pile up waiting to talk to people. But that's kind of what your business is, your business is talking to people."

Julie  |  Member
Members still desire connecting with Nationwide.

That’s because insurance and investment products can introduce some complex needs. Though members want digital tools to perform quick, simple tasks, they need to speak with someone during consultative moments. During those experiences, they value compassion, patience, and guidance that’s personalized to their situation.  

These experiences are crucial for us, too. These are the moments where we forge relationships and create a lasting impression of who we are. They’re more than a task a member needs to complete, they’re an opportunity to fulfill providing extraordinary care. Many times these moments provide our members greater confidence and trust in who we are and what we offer them.

Complex, consultative moments drive a member’s need to speak with Nationwide
Members need an easy and reliable way to reach Nationwide
Human experiences can be differentiating and memorable