Solution Starter
Every professional could use help connecting new products with the ideal target audience.

So they’d all benefit from a service that highlights specific audiences that would feel connected to the offering. Archetypes could hold the answer. 

One important way that archetypes are different from personas? An archetype taps into the intrinsic motivations of each customer. Rather than a general view of different customer types, archetypes provide a personalized view of each customer so we can deliver experiences they desire. This information would provide professionals an analysis of their existing and new client base, helping them determine how to best position a product, and to whom. Archetypes could also help professionals understand who their client base really is, as well as how to attract other audiences. Professionals using archetypes could access real-time client data and predictive suggestions to identify high-value opportunities.

Professionals need help targeting the right audience
A typing tool would provide professionals archetype segmentation
Professionals can access client info that connects the right products and people