“It is usually a neutral experience, sometimes a bad experience. I say this because the agents sometimes will try to rush you through, and if you ask lots of questions, they start getting an attitude and want to just get you off the phone.”

Jai  |  Member
Members usually aren't experts at understanding the insurance and investment industries.

Members typically don’t even think about this insurance and investements until experiencing a life event that gets them wondering how our products may help them achieve a specific goal. Regardless of knowledge level, everybody wants to feel confident that they’re making smart decisions. 

Because most members realize they’re underinformed, they value patient distribution professionals and Nationwide representatives who acknowledge their questions and concerns. Most want to team up with a trusted professional who can help them achieve their goals. They value personalized service over more generalized recommendations.  

Members are often undereducated about the financial industry
Members think about protection needs in response to specific life circumstances
Members value professionals who patiently addresses their questions and concerns