People appreciate digital self-service tools – especially the ones that free their schedules, allowing them 24/7 access to companies like Nationwide.

Members have become accustomed to everyday tasks which can be handled quickly and easily.  

But inevitably there can be speed bumps along the way. Nearly all of us have had to deal with a password or login issue at some point. As one Nationwide member explained, “I had to change my online password three days in a row just to view information on my bill.”

"I had to change my online password three days in a row just to view information on my bill."

Password resets are a fact of life in any high-security web environment. The important thing is to cause as little inconvenience as possible to the member. Resetting a Nationwide password may involve calling in, and the member may be presented with several challenges. When a rep sends a reset email, there may be a delay before it appears in a member’s inbox. Sometimes, it ends up in a spam folder. Whatever the specific issues, online account access can result in significant time and frustration.   

Bottom line: members have come to expect intuitive, frictionless experiences. In an age of sophisticated online experiences, the bar has been raised higher than ever. We can draw best practices from other industries surpassing ours and implement effortless experiences that are truly “the most customer-focused”.

Members value an effortless experience
Members expect self-service to be simple and easy
Members can get frustrated when an experience seems harder than it should be