According to distribution professionals, we have job to do.

In the Decide Core Four experience, distribution professionals are covering a lot of information and some things may be skimmed over or forgotten. Because of this, it’s still all too common for new Nationwide members don’t fully understanding the products they selected, the benefits of those products or what to expect moving forward. They may not be aware of all communication channel options or support resources that exist. Other helpful benefits that may be glossed over include paperless options and text, app or online accounts. Members may not know about the security advantages of making payments digitally. And they may be unaware of programs like Smart Ride or Smart Miles.  

They can become a member that isn’t aware of the full benefits of a relationship with Nationwide. That can translate to a member that questions the value they receive for doing business with Nationwide.

We have a great opportunity to welcome members in the best way possible.

A dedicated Nationwide onboarding program could have a real positive impact. It could explain product selections and additional benefit options, answer outstanding questions and clearly outline communication channels— especially getting them comfortable with digital options. This is a great way to enhance their relationship with Nationwide and empower an entire member population.

New members may onboard to Nationwide lacking knowledge
Knowledge gaps can lead to doubt, discomfort or frustration
Members need onboarding to ready them for what’s ahead